General, Guest Post, Featured Facilitating Proficiency-Based Learning | Part 1.4: Proficiency-Based Learning as a Framework This blog as well as the other installments in this series were written by Karen… AssessmentProficiency+ 3 2024-09-29
General, Guest Post, Featured Facilitating Proficiency-Based Learning | Part 1.3: Demonstrating Communication This blog as well as the other installments in this series were written by Karen… AssessmentProficiency+ 3 2024-09-21
General, Guest Post, Featured Facilitating Proficiency-Based Learning | Part 1.2: Communication This blog as well as the other installments in this series were written by Karen… AssessmentProficiency+ 3 2024-09-10
General, Guest Post, Featured Facilitating Proficiency-Based Learning | Part 1.1: What is it? This blog as well as the other installments in this series were written by Karen… AssessmentProficiency+ 3 2024-09-04
General, Extempore How-To's, Guest Post, Blog Series Blog Series - Facilitating Proficiency-Based Learning The blog series below was written guest contributor and friend of Extempore, Karen Nickel. Learn… AssessmentProficiency+ 3 2024-09-02
General, Extempore How-To's 3 New Ways to Use Extempore This School Year... and More Updates The dawn of a new school year has graced our presence yet again. Whether that… AssessmentProficiency+ 1 2024-08-21
General, Featured Drop In and Other Exciting Updates to Extempore Sync Some big news to share: synchronous rooms on Extempore now come equipped with Extempore Drop… AssessmentInterpersonal+ 2 2024-05-15
General, Extempore How-To's A Guide to Extempore Commons Extempore Commons, our robust library of importable practice and assessment content for both ESL and… StrategiesFormative Assessment 2023-09-08
General, Featured, Press Releases Press Release: Securian Financial Foundation Awards $200k Grant to Promote Minnesota Seal of Biliteracy Extempore, a Minnesota language practice and assessment company, has received, in partnership with MN Zej… Update 2023-09-06
Extempore How-To's, Featured 3 New Ways to Use Extempore This School Year The new school year always means new possibilities, old clichés, and anticipation for what's to… AssessmentStrategies+ 2 2023-08-29
General, Extempore How-To's, Guest Post Sketchnoting in the Language Classroom This guest blog was written by Extempore Ambassador Dorah Fauben. Post-its, sticky notes, notepads, you… ProficiencyStrategies+ 2 2023-05-24
Extempore How-To's, Guest Post Choice boards in the language classroom and on Extempore This guest blog was written by Extempore Ambassador Kathryn Rump. Life involves an endless amount… AssessmentStrategies+ 4 2023-05-01