Extempore is thrilled to announce our new partnership with EdTech Exchange, an educational software-focused cooperative set up and administered by Region 10 ESC.
How it Works:
The Region 10 EdTech Exchange was formed to make district procurement for Educational Technology Products and Services a more straightforward and reliable process for vendors and districts. The contract can be utilized throughout the state of Texas and other districts around the US.
The cooperative is a cost-free membership program that leverages the purchasing power of Texas school districts, charter, and private schools to get the best-in-class educational software at the most competitive pricing through a competitively bid, compliant solicitation process that Extempore has passed.
The process for districts is simple and easy to follow. Any district looking to work with a vendor like Extempore signs the Region 10 Interlocal agreement (which is free), and the vendor provides a quote based on the previously submitted EdTech contract pricing. The district then references the EdTech contract number on their purchase order. That’s it!
EDGAR Compliance:
One of the significant advantages of this partnership is the compliance with 2 CFR part 200, more commonly known as EDGAR, a set of regulations around grant funding. Region 10 has performed all necessary steps as outlined in EDGAR to ensure that all procurement processes via the cooperative are in line with federal regulations. This ensures that the purchasing process is fair, open, and transparent for all parties involved. Please note, that in compliance with 2 CFR 200, districts do still need to do their own cost analysis if using federal money for any purchase.
Extempore’s Commitment:
The Extempore team is confident that this partnership with EdTech Exchange will provide efficient, effective, and affordable access to state-of-the-art educational technology for the benefit of students, teachers, and administrators. Moreover, this effort will help bring new opportunities for Extempore to best support world language and ELL departments in Texas and across the US.
If you're interested in learning more about this partnership and how Extempore could help work with your district, please don’t hesitate to reach out.