Pre-Created WIDA Practice Assessments

WIDA ACCESS practice tests, brought to you by Extempore

Looking to prepare your students for the WIDA ACCESS exam? Our professionally created practice assessments are tailored specifically for the exam, covering all domains, grade level clusters and tiers. Watch the video below to learn more.

With WIDA rubrics attached for writing and speaking, and auto-graded multiple choice reading and listening questions, assessing student progress is fast and efficient, leaving teachers with more time for instruction. Each assessment has been designed with the 2020 WIDA ELD standards in mind to ensure that your students are fully prepared for the exam. Click the button below if you are interested in getting access to these practice assessments.

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Supporting EL Students and Districts with:

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Importable Practice Tests

Our ACCESS practice content can be found in the WIDA Commons within the Extempore platform. Simply find the assessment you would like to use with your students, click import, and add it to your class.

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Differentiated Language Practice

In addition to synchronous and asynchronous practice and assessment for all four language domains, instructors can create and customize scaffolded assignments by adding audio, video, text, and/or images to question prompts. Question level timers for both review and response time can be used to elicit spontaneous (and assessable) responses.

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Portfolios to Capture Growth

With portfolios that capture student progress over any period of time, you can easily track your students' development and share their responses with others. 

Get Started Today!

Whether you want to prepare your students for the WIDA ACCESS exam, build a sharable portfolio of their responses, or simply provide high quality academic language practice, Extempore has what you need. We have already helped hundreds of districts and schools in the US, and we are excited to bring our expertise to you. Learn more about our WIDA ACCESS practice assessments and how we work with EL departments by clicking the button below.

 Talk to an Extempore Team Member