General Extempore: Helping the Over-scheduled Student We at Extempore have taught at several different institutions: middle schools, high schools, private colleges,… 2016-03-22
General Using Extempore as a Window into Culture Hopefully, if you've explored our site or if you've read our previous blog posts, you… AuthenticCulture 2016-03-14
General Five Topics Students Like to Talk about in the Foreign Language Classroom If there’s something we all like to talk about, it’s ourselves. Topics related to one’s… 2016-03-07
General Five Tips to Reduce your Grading Load When Assigning Oral Homework Most of us teaching languages in the US are lucky to work in environments that… Grading 2016-02-29
General High School January 2016 Pilot - Survey Results In January 2016, Extempore ran a pilot with 100 High School students at Western Christian… 2016-02-16
General Being a Good Listener with Extempore -- Part 2 In our last post, we talked a bit about assessing listening comprehension through Extempore, specifically… Formative Assessment 2016-02-14
General Being a Good Listener with Extempore -- Part 1 It's true: when we launched Extempore, the primary goal was to develop an app that… Formative Assessment 2016-02-07
General Benefits of a Flipped Language Classroom The Huge Potential of a Flipped Language Classroom Perhaps you’ve seen our list of activity… Scaffolding 2016-02-01
General Promoting Student Responsibility and Risk-Taking with Extempore All world language teachers have surely encountered the student who is content to sit back… ProficiencyStrategies 2016-01-17
General Authentic Assessment in the World Languages Classroom with Extempore On a previous post we stressed the importance of using authentic tasks in the World… AssessmentAuthentic 2016-01-03
General Authentic Speaking Tasks for the World Languages Classroom with Extempore Authentic tasks in the World Languages classroom are those that resemble a real-life situation, that… Authentic 2015-12-20
General How to Get your Shy Students to Talk? Change the Context. Any teacher would love to have just the right activity or the perfect strategy to… Anxiety 2015-12-14