TELPAS Practice Tasks, Delivered by Extempore

Looking to prepare your emergent bilinguals for the TELPAS exam? Our professionally designed practice tasks address preparation for students in grades 2-12 across all domains and are specifically tailored for the TELPAS test.

These practice tasks also include TELPAS-aligned rubrics for writing and speaking as well as auto-graded multiple choice reading and listening questions. This approach fosters better alignment between classroom practice and assessment, enabling students to prepare according to the specific requirements of the TELPAS assessment. Each assessment has been carefully constructed with TEA's English Language Proficiency Standards and Proficiency Level Descriptors in mind to ensure your students are fully equipped for the exam. Educators can explore these features by signing up for a free Extempore Lite Account.


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Our TELPAS practice content is conveniently located in the Commons within the Extempore platform. Simply find the assessment that best suits your students, click import, and it's ready for your class.


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Synchronous and asynchronous practice and assessment for all four language domains is made simple with Extempore. Teachers can build and differentiate assignments using audio, video, text, or images in question prompts. With our unique question-level timers, instructors can build student stamina or elicit spontaneous responses.


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Track your students' development with ease using portfolios that capture progress over any time period. Share their responses with others and observe growth trends to facilitate data-driven instruction.

Take the Next Step Today!

Whether you're preparing your students for the TELPAS exam, creating a shareable portfolio of their responses, or simply aiming for high-quality academic language practice, Extempore is here to help. We've successfully served hundreds of districts and schools across the US, and we're excited to bring our expertise to you. Discover more about our TELPAS practice assessments and how we partner with EL departments by clicking the button below.