High-Stakes Exam Preparation with Extempore

Whether it's for world language or ELL instruction, Extempore offers a flexible platform designed to mimic AP®, STAMP, AAPPL, TELPAS, WIDA ACCESS, and many other high-stakes exam formats.

Importable Practice Materials

Extempore Commons is our database of importable practice content. This library is updated frequently, ensuring educators have access to the latest and most relevant tasks. From AP® world languages and WIDA ACCESS to TELPAS, we have content that aligns directly with each exam’s requirements.

Progress Monitoring

Extempore allows educators to monitor student progress over time. Our platform provides a comprehensive view of each student's journey, facilitating data-driven instruction.

Academic Integrity Features

Authentic responses are important. That's why Extempore is equipped with features that uphold academic integrity, ensuring that students' submissions are genuine and true reflections of their abilities. Disable copy and paste, set timers to questions, and more on Extempore. Take a look:


Single-Attempt, Lockable Questions

Elicit spontaneous responses from students by limiting attempts to a single response.

Randomized Questions

Add an extra level of security to your assessments.
Timed response

Timing Parameters

Provide an authentic speaking environment by adding timed parameters to questions.

Browser Navigation Warnings

Ensure students are on task during high-stakes assessments.

Explore How We Support Practice for:

AP® Exams

Extempore is the go-to platform for AP® world language exam practice, offering tasks that span all sections and modes of communication. Contact us for direct access to AP exam practice on Extempore, including simulated conversation exercises.

Avant's STAMP Test

In partnership with Avant Assessment, Extempore offers STAMP practice tasks, helping students potentially qualify for Seals of Biliteracy awards and track their language growth over time.


For districts preparing students for the WIDA ACCESS exam, Extempore offers professionally crafted assessments that cover all domains, grade levels, and tiers. Practice exams are aligned with the 2020 WIDA ELD standards.


Tailored for the TELPAS test, Extempore's tasks serve students from grades 2-12 across all domains. Drawing from TEA's proficiency standards, these tasks will help build confidence and comfort among your students come exam day.

Want to learn more about what we do?

Contact us